Category Archives: Wordpress

Wordpress coding

And uh.. once again

Once again, I decided to do a WordPress update. This time I was actually prepared and created a simple shell script that should get me going next time. No mention what was actually updated, exept for some information at the … Continue reading

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How did you…

I saw the following question in one of the server logs: ‘how to put picture on blog header?’. That’s easy: most WordPress templates already come with a ‘header image’ (see for example the Kubrick template), and it’s just a matter … Continue reading

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It hurts. Sometimes.

Oh, so it was. While changing the layout, I peeked around at the WP tables and decided to ‘merge’ a couple of older MT-related categories with the appropriate ones. To my surprise, I noticed that the rowcount (or, the number … Continue reading

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Burnt WordPress

Talking about burnt: it looks like WordPress is pretty much acting up with a couple of ‘SQL-errors’ on my side. They happen to appear around the time I press the ‘Save’ button. WordPress returns the following error: UPDATE IGNORE wp_posts … Continue reading

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Good stuff

I saw that Markku has added my fixes to his RecentLinks plugin. You should consider updating your plugin, particularly if you run WordPress without that ‘pretty URLs’ option. Then over at Slashdot, I found a link to Goodger’s Blog discussing … Continue reading

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Local WordPress

A quick guide to help you develop your ‘online site’ offline. Requirements: An offsite test server, preferably running Debian Stable (formerly ‘Sarge’). A good knowledge of MySQL, PHP and Bash Shell access to your online site. Proceed with the following … Continue reading

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Recent-links bug

There’s a small bug in Rebelpixel’s recent-links plug-in: clicking the monthly archive pages always appeared to return all the recent links, instead of the (selected) month/year. A quick look in the code tells me that it goes wrong between line … Continue reading

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Upgrade to WordPress 2.0.1

I upgraded to WordPress 2.0.1, which ended up taking shorter than the last time. This time there were however more individual files and directories to delete: I feel tempted to write a shell script to do this for me next … Continue reading

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Recent links and that

I‘ve installed the ‘wp-recent-links’ plugin and officially ‘retired’ my own homebrew stuff that formed the ‘Elsewhere’ links. I’ll be working on a solution to get most of them ‘into’ wp-recent-links’ table structure. For now, I’ll be recycling some of them. … Continue reading

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Update to WordPress 2.0 notes

Upgrading to WordPress 2.0: deactivate plugins wget untar latest.tar.gz remove the following files/folders: wp-*, *.html,*.txt wp-admin folder wp-includes folder DO NOT DELETE: wp-config.php, wp-contents folder, htaccess and wp-includes/languages folder copy files from wordpress to home folder (and create extra … Continue reading

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I see that the guys over at WordPress have just released version 2.0 (originally tagged 1.6). I’ll be analyzing and (most likely) start the ‘upgrade path’ to the latest release. Update 10:38 PM: Done

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To upgrade or not to…

For a couple of weeks I’ve been toying with the idea to upgrade to the latest WordPress version or to move to a different blogging platform. I’ve been playing with NucleusCMS. Actually, I’ve been making ‘plug-ins’ for that one. Anyways, … Continue reading

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WordPress and that

While rescuing and rebuilding xsamplex here on, I pondered switching to a different weblog engine. I was prepared to start completely from scratch, discarding any result any searchengine would return when people look for existing entries previously found on … Continue reading

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