Category Archives: Provincial-Scotia

Fabian moving up to the Atlantic

Via the Herald, news that the hurricane Fabian is slowly moving into the direction of the province of NS. Current predictions suggest that the hurricane will be in our region next Sunday. Over at the Canadian Weather Office, actually a … Continue reading

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Five years after flight 111

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the crash of Swissair Flight 111. The plane crashed near Peggy’s cove, killing all 229 passengers. This year’s anniversary kicked off at 11:00am, but apparantly most families of the passengers wish to end this … Continue reading

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Elections NS coming up

Example of political games. Elections are coming up. The provincial government is trying to get people vote for them: so they reveal they had ‘secret and private’ talks with the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union. Earlier the director … Continue reading

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Seventy one is the lucky number

Did I tell about the upcoming elections in Nova Scotia? I did, didn’t I? Well, yesterday’s survey asked Nova Scotians who they thought won the latest TV debate (last Tuesday). The results blew me out of the water: 14% said … Continue reading

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