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Search Results for: Ubuntu
Notepad Haiku
Aghast. Is there no notepad on my Ubuntu? Wine to the rescue. Obviously, a lot of people helped in getting Notepad to run under Wine.
You can
There is nothing as glorious as opening up a terminal session on my spare Ubuntu laptop and log right into my server. That is, without downloading either Putty or a host of other MingW/Cygwin utilities on Windows. You guessed it: … Continue reading
So, with Autumn slowly taking care of the leafs of the trees on our property, the spiders disappearing one by one, a couple of thoughts from computers to the personal stuff: I like Autumn. In our younger years, our teachers … Continue reading
Other than that
On Windows, I’ve been solely using Google’s Chrome browser, leaving my Firefox copy at bay: Firefox only gets into action if I need to confirm that Chrome’s cache-loading-stuff has gone amuck again. Yesterday, for example we suddenly lost connection to … Continue reading
Posted in Ordinateurs
Tagged computers, Ubuntu, Web Browsers, Windows Vista
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Some KDE
I run a mix of Gnome and KDE on one of my computers: for a couple of Mono related things, I ended up frequently running the Gnome desktop. Just today, I decided to follow-up on the notifications telling me that … Continue reading
At your Runlevel
Earlier, I was reminded of the typical run-levels on Linux systems, particularly on Debian-flavoured distributions. For future reference1: Run level 0: System Halt Run level 1: Single User/No networking (“Safe Mode” for Windows connoisseurs). In this mode daemons won’t be … Continue reading
I, Recurse
So, yeah: I was sitting at work and the snow starts falling down in the morning and before I know it, it’s chaos in town. On my way to King’s Square, I was most of the time sliding around or … Continue reading
Is there hope?
I‘ve been working so much on Vista and XP lately that I forgot about the release of the first beta for KDE 4.2, so naturally, I decided to download the latest binaries (“Neon”). Barring any bugs, I have to say … Continue reading
Earlier I upgraded to Kubuntu 8.10, which took (with my connection) approximately 2 hours to download and another couple for actually installing the whole thing. Since I have both KDE and Gnome installed side by side, I ended up with … Continue reading
If you weren’t aware of it, K/Ubuntu 8.10 is about to be released in a couple of days, actually, to be exact, on October 30th. I’ve seen the casual screenshots around of sand-brownish looking desktops and windows-dressing. Those reviews all … Continue reading
Posted in Hyperlinks, Ordinateurs, Ubuntu
Tagged e-mail, KDE, Kubuntu, Ubuntu
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Four, then
I decided to give KDE 4.1 a go on my current Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) install: There are many sites around with instructions how to install KDE on your Gnome-enabled installation, so I won’t go in too many details. The idea … Continue reading
They Chose China
A couple of months ago, I downloaded the documentary ‘They Chose China’ to my Ubuntu laptop with an intention to watch it some day, whenever I had time. The documentary features American ‘turncoats’ in China: American soldiers, who after the … Continue reading
I had troubles with a patched up version of the Flashplayer 10 plugin (Ubuntu-non-free) this weekend and I wasn’t surprised to see a new patch being applied just a couple of hours ago. Additionally, it looks like a Firefox patch … Continue reading